Woke feministThe hamster is dead but the wheel keeps on spinning:
STEP 1: Promote Salafist version of Islam in which women have 2nd class status
Love the God EmperorI admit it. This made me laugh:
Crazy Joe Biden is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically, and …Read More...
The next radio spectrum frontier?The allocation and reallocation of radio spectrum for modern uses has reorganized how spectrum is used. But the growth of mobile compu…Read More...
Say hello to my little friend!Bare Naked Islam:
IN SWEDEN, a Muslim migrant sits down next to a blonde girl on a bus, then pulls out his dick and starts masturbating.
Not another racist Muslim!A Muslim journalist has slammed Australia as racist for wanting to rescue white South African farmers who he says 'aren't being persecuted'.…Read More...
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