Title : Comey Confidant James Baker Throws Rosenstein Under the Bus – Tells Congress His Plot to Oust Trump Was NOT A JOKE
link : Comey Confidant James Baker Throws Rosenstein Under the Bus – Tells Congress His Plot to Oust Trump Was NOT A JOKE
Comey Confidant James Baker Throws Rosenstein Under the Bus – Tells Congress His Plot to Oust Trump Was NOT A JOKE
Oh, Shit! I'm Fucked!!!
Comey Confidant James Baker Throws Rosenstein Under the Bus – Tells Congress His Plot to Oust Trump Was NOT A JOKE
Baker told Congress last week that his boss — then-Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe — was dead serious about the idea of surreptitiously recording the 45th president and using the evidence to make the case that Trump should be removed from office, according to my sources.
Baker told lawmakers he wasn’t in the meeting that McCabe had with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in which the subject came up. But he did have firsthand conversations with McCabe and the FBI lawyer assigned to McCabe, Lisa Page, about the issue.
“As far as Baker was concerned, this was a real plan being discussed,” said a source directly familiar with the congressional investigation. “It was no laughing matter for the FBI.” Word of Baker’s testimony surfaces just days before Rosenstein is set to be interviewed in private on Thursday by House Judiciary Committee lawmakers.
“You walk away from the Baker interview with little doubt that the FBI leadership in that 2016-17 time-frame saw itself as far more than a neutral investigative agency but actually as a force to stop Trump’s election before it happened and then maybe reversing it after the election was over,” said a source directly familiar with the congressional investigation.
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