Title : The Progressive Universe: Armed Antifa Thugs Not Arrested, But Anyone Filming Threatened With Arrest
link : The Progressive Universe: Armed Antifa Thugs Not Arrested, But Anyone Filming Threatened With Arrest
The Progressive Universe: Armed Antifa Thugs Not Arrested, But Anyone Filming Threatened With Arrest
Inversionism!From Gateway Pundit: “Are You Willing to Die for Your YouTube Sh*t?” – Antifa Thugs With AR15’s Intimidate Journalist Andy Ngo at Seattle Rally – Police Threaten Arrest for Filming.
Brief excerpt:
Portland based video journalist and Quillette writer Andy Ngo (who happens to be gay and Asian) made the trip north to Seattle to cover a pro Constitution rally put on by III%’ers and other conservative groups, as well as the counter protest staged by the usual red flag toting communists of Antifa.
“Are You Willing to Die for Your YouTube Sh*t?” – Antifa Thugs With AR15’s Intimidate Journalist Andy Ngo at Seattle Rally – Police Threaten Arrest for Filming
by Brock Simmons December 2, 2018 939 Comments
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Portland based video journalist and Quillette writer Andy Ngo (who happens to be gay and Asian) made the trip north to Seattle to cover a pro Constitution rally put on by III%’ers and other conservative groups, as well as the counter protest staged by the usual red flag toting communists of Antifa.
As Ngo attempted to make his way into the communist group to capture the scene, several people confronted him and prevented him from going in, including at least three people armed with AR15’s and an AK47.
This is happening today in Seattle against a conservative pro-second amendment group. pic.twitter.com/wHzktx7Q63— Andy C. Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) December 1, 2018
This was a surreal moment: @SeattlePD officer came up and said I was "inciting conflict" and potential violence just by being there. If my physical presence in a public space makes someone else want to become violent, the problem is not with me. pic.twitter.com/08wM5KXwx0
— Andy C. Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) December 2, 2018
View it all HERE at Gateway Pundit. Worth your time.
Who are the REAL fascists? Hmmmmm?
Andy Ngo has uploaded this to YouTube:
Thus Article The Progressive Universe: Armed Antifa Thugs Not Arrested, But Anyone Filming Threatened With Arrest
That's an article The Progressive Universe: Armed Antifa Thugs Not Arrested, But Anyone Filming Threatened With Arrest This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
You are now reading the article The Progressive Universe: Armed Antifa Thugs Not Arrested, But Anyone Filming Threatened With Arrest with the link address https://notsomeimportant.blogspot.com/2018/12/the-progressive-universe-armed-antifa.html
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